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The Courage to Commit

A few days ago, composer Dan Forrest asked a great question in the American Choral Composers Forum: These are two great questions: How do you know you’ve found “a really beautiful and worthwhile musical idea” How do balance the “courage to commit to an idea that might be good” vs. “enough awareness” to abandon an […]

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Hymn Arrangement Study Party, Part 2: Workshop Replay (10/05/21)

Here are the highlights from the above replay: Part 1 — Simple Harmonization 0:00: Essentials of chords — Blocked, Broken/Arpeggiated, Inverted, Embellished Arpeggiations, and Embellished Blocks 6:55: How (nearly) all tonal melodies embellish the tonic chord, with “If I Listen With My Heart” as a specific example (audio on YouTube) 10:50: The “quick and dirty” method […]

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Hymn Arrangement Study Party, Part 1: Workshop Replay (9/28/21)

Here are the highlights from the above replay: 0:00: Welcome, Introductions, and Reviewing Ryan Murphy’s arrangement of “If I Listen With My Heart.” See — Sally DeFord’s Original Version PDF Ryan Murphy’s Arrangement PDF Tabernacle Choir recording (YouTube) 11:20: How DeFord makes her melody easy to remember using Rhythmic Motives 20:00: Introduction to “Melodic Voices” […]

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