night flocks of angels trumpet

Slosberg Music Center 415 South St., Waltham, MA, United States

Georgia Luikens, violin, and Alexander Lane, piano

Still, Still, Still

Longfellow Park Chapel 2 Longfellow Park, Cambridge, MA, United States

Longfellow Park 1st Ward Choir, Erica Glenn, cond.

High on the Mountain Top

Hyde Park Chapel 64 - 68 Exhibition Road, London, United Kingdom

Hyde Park Stake choir, Tara Austin, cond.

Beauty Be Not Caused

Slosberg Music Center 415 South St., Waltham, MA, United States

Poetic Overtures Sarah Pelletier, soprano, and Lois Shapiro, piano


Slosberg Music Center 415 South St., Waltham, MA, United States

BEAMS Concert

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