night flocks of angels trumpet

The piece is an arrangement of the ninth movement of my chamber work A Field Guide to Natural History. The movement titles trace an emotional arc, into which the present piece fits as follows: “. . . Cloudburst. Springtime pokes its head through the daisies. A sodden quandary of mud puzzles. Foxfire and fern frost. Ruins of flora. Fire flies sparks spidering toward stars. Thorns thistles brambles and briers. Heaving and dearth. Night flocks of angels trumpet. Rainbows end.”

Instrumentation: violin and piano
Duration: 4 minutes
Premiere: 1 December 2012 by Katie Jensen and Joseph Olsen
Performance History: complete performance list
Transcription Source: A Field Guide to Natural History for saxophone, bass, percussion, and piano
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“A Field Guide to Natural History” was commissioned in 2010 by the Barlow Endowment for Music Composition

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