Getting Started with Dorico

So you just got Dorico or you have the trial, and now you want to know how to use it.

Here are a collection of resources and ideas I found helpful in my process:

How to Get Started

Recently, I retypeset and revised my 2010 orchestral piece Summer Has Ten Thousand Stars, making special use of the condensing feature.

The fastest way to learn Dorico is NOT to learn about the interface theoretically. Instead, copy something.

If you need ideas, here are a few:

Copying scores like this will surface a bunch of questions you otherwise wouldn’t think to ask (see “Tutorials” and “Getting Help” below).

References to Keep at Hand

Like learning an instrument, it’ll take a few months to get fluid at entering notes, symbols, and text. Until these commands enter your muscle memory, you’re going to want to have these references handy:

I still refer to these sheets on occasion.


Steinberg’s team has put together loads of excellent tutorials on their YouTube channel. Here are some highlights:

Dan Kreider also has a great beginner’s guide to Dorico on his website.

Getting Help

Wherever you go online, the Dorico team is super helpful and will typically get back to you within a day, if not hours of you asking your question. The larger community often will answer questions even faster.

I’m also happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to reach out via email ( or any of my socials (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).


If you want further instruction on how to use Dorico (or any professional notation program), I’m here to help. I’m happy to offer you private tutorials specialized to your specific musical goals. Email me for more details at

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