Getting your music performed shouldn’t require magic.

The Wizarding School for Composers presents...

The Career Success Spell Book

A game-changing workshop, led by Dr. Joseph Sowa, for composers who want to get more commissions and performances.

Tom Lough

Got an original hymn performed at 1000 churches across the US

Before the course I had lots of processes scattered about. After the course, I feel much more organized and productive. Your mentoring, resources, and presentations all gave me what I needed.
Tom LoughChurch music composer
Karalyn Schubring

Secured 2 commissions, plus the premiere of a band piece

I've been experiencing great success modeling my communications after your email templates and have been able to charge a lot more for my commissions than I would have felt comfortable with before working with you!
Karalyn SchubringComposer, Improviser, Pianist
Seth Castleton

“My dreams of composing became possibilities”

I always sensed I had the ability to be a composer and make beautiful music, but felt that there just wasn’t the path. Because of the Wizarding School, those dreams of composing became possibilities.
Seth CastletonCellist and Composer

Do you see other composers getting all the opportunities and wonder, “Why not me?”

It’s almost like they’re part of an exclusive club — that you haven’t been invited to. Everyone seems to know who they are. And it’s frustrating to sit back and watch them:

  • Befriend and collaborate with world-class performers… when you feel nervous even talking to local performers after a concert
  • Land major commissions… when you are stuck in a cycle of writing music for free or drastically under the market rate
  • Secure repeat performances of their works… when you’re lucky if any of your pieces have a second performance
  • Get invited as a guest composer at major colleges and festivals… when you struggle to get people even to listen to your recordings

You know you need to put yourself out there and get more visibility, credibility, and recognition—but where do you start? And how?

You have powerful music to share with the world, too. The only problem is… others don’t know it yet.

But here’s the good news:

There are proven tools and strategies to help you connect with dozens or hundreds of potential collaborators, excite them about your music, and make a lasting impact in the world.

— You need —

The Career Success Spell Book

Created by Dr. Joseph Sowa of the Wizarding School for Composers

1-Day Workshop
Saturday, November 12 at 1–5 PM Eastern | $97

All events live on Zoom

What We’ll Cover

In the Saturday, November 12 workshop, I will give you all the tools you need to:

Get more commissions and performances

Share your music with complete authenticity and confidence

Expand your network with greater ease

Bypass the gatekeepers to make your own opportunities

The workshop is divided into 3 parts

In Part 1, we’ll cover the essential strategies, including

  • Why you should stop “waiting to be picked” (for prizes, schools, jobs, etc.) — and how you can take charge of your career
  • Why advertising and social media are a trap — and how to use them effectively
  • What it takes to be taken seriously — and how you can stand out
  • How to cultivate a large network, including emails and calls — and how to avoid the common networking and sales pitfalls

In Part 2, we’ll apply these strategies to your music, including

  • The magic email that will attract your advocates like catnip
  • The essential conversation scripts that help you woo and win over potential collaborators
  • Who you should be reaching out to today
  • What timeline that you can expect

By the end of Parts 1 & 2, you will have developed a concrete plan to promote a piece or seek a commission.

In Part 3, I’ll answer all your remaining questions

To ensure you leave with everything you need, the workshop ends with an open Q+A period that will

  • Answer any remaining questions
  • Help you overcome your concerns
  • Leave you with a clear vision of what to do and why
Joseph has been the most helpful composition teacher I’ve ever worked with!
David AshtonNYC-based multi-woodwind performer, improviser, and composer

Stop Waiting to Be Picked by Someone Else

You have more control than you think.

If you’re ready to step into greater Artistic Influence than you have yet experienced . . .

I invite you to join me at the Career Success Spell Book Workshop

Click below to sign up today!

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